At a stoplight, I looked over. The minivan cab next to me had two passengers occupying a single seat behind the driver.
The girl straddled her boy. She kissed away his look of surprise and glee fiercely. She started to glide back and forth across his lap, gently but firmly.
He’s going to get some when he gets home, I thought.
She didn’t want to wait.
I’m trying to get used to the time difference; it’s only 1:15am in Las Vegas.
Sometimes, like now, my tricky method of beating time changes by sleeping while traveling backfires. I have five hours to shower, sleep, eat, and leave the house.
I have a feeling tomorrow will be a very long day. I’ve not been well lately; I hope that some semblance of rest can change that.
No matter how I feel, I’m glad to be home. There are things here that I am only too happy to be able to return to.

I woke up a little late, but not too late that I was going to be late. The extra few minutes of sleep were very well received by my tired body.
The sky was overcast, but the weather was as perfect as it has ever been in my world. It was raining lightly, intermittently. The temperature was as lovely as I could have asked, just right for my sweater and jacket.