He could be ruined again and again by hope.
– Michael Chabon, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
I am grateful for hope, despite the fact that it has betrayed me over and over. I’ve tried to extinguish it to make things easier for myself, but it always lives in my heart.
I wrote this to Margo of the Three Weeks newsletter, who asked that her readers tell her something they’re grateful for. In return, she sent me a book of Stefan Zweig stories, a postcard, and some candy. It was a worthwhile reward.

The first time I ever heard this song, the listening environment was ideal. The song has haunted me ever since.

Everyone has their own project that they’re doing, mostly, like, for themselves, you know? Just so that they can accomplish something.
Christian Flores, you are an inspiration.

I haven’t been riding my bike much this summer. There hasn’t been a great deal of need or inspiration, plus it’s so hot, you guys!
Still, it’s bike time, and I recently found this unfinished post from way back. I’m honestly not sure when I started it; the troubles to which it refers happened as far back as 2006, and the crash that inspired me to write it can’t have been later than spring 2008.
It’s also worth mentioning nearly all of these accidents happened on the bike I had before Clangours. In hindsight I don’t know why my second bike got named for the accidents since it’s a longer-standing issue than that. I even recently said, in all seriousness, “Getting hit by a car isn’t so bad after the first three or four times.”
Maybe the issue is me?

“You are my ‘stuff’ guy.”
“You’re so fucking handsome.”
“You might be my smartest friend.”
“I think the thing that connects everyone here is how much they love Jesse.”

Cristiano Ronaldo kicked the soccer ball, but he may as well have kicked me in the stomach. The only thing about which I am fiercely and unrepentantly patriotic is also the only thing at which American exceptionalism has never allowed this nation to unconditionally succeed.

Today was glorious in New York City. It was a very nice change from last week, which left us in an early summer swelter that made riding more of a chore than a joy. It was cooler today, and much nicer. Needless to say, something had to go wrong. Continue

I really, really, really don’t like doing laundry.

I admit, it seems a little weird that I would post just a few new entries to my blog after so long away, only to then disappear for over two months. Again.
The thing is, this time, there was a reason.