To Be Your Camera

11 Apr | personal / writing | no comments

Almost a year ago now, I bought a Canon point-and-shoot camera from my friend.  It was a useful sort of thing to have around.  I did take a few pictures with it, but I quickly ran across a pretty serious problem: I didn’t get the charger with it, and it didn’t take long at all before the battery ran dry.  Funny thing, I have repeatedly forgotten to either go get a charger or take the camera and have it charged.

There are a lot of people out there who use photography in the same way that I use writing.  Generally speaking, a good photographer will give you just as much with a photo as a writer can give you with a short story.  Photography tells stories in a different way, but it, like all art, is about storytelling.

Thinking that way, you would have assumed that I would have been more keen to use a camera to help tell my stories.  But I haven’t been.  I haven’t been telling any stories whatsoever, and that’s a serious problem.  Recently, I’ve been doing a lot to remedy this problem, and another step I’ve got to take is getting that camera working.

The funny thing is, I don’t even know if I can tell a story through a camera lens.  But I need to find out.

